
Land scale will be limited

Published by the anhui province of anhui province people's government on further strengthening the views of the economical and intensive utilization of land work ",scaffolding structural steel tube according to the industrial land (including the supporting office, scientific research training and other business, tourism, entertainment and commercial residential and profit-oriented land, and the same land, there are two or more intended users of such land, in addition to the provisions of the state can agreement, must adopt public through bidding, auction and quotation, etc.

In addition, the anhui province also stipulates that the qualified goods size for the transfer of land for residential use. Among them, the big cities, medium cities, small city (town) the commodity residential house project land, parcel land area of no more than 300 mu,180 degree short radius elbow manufacturer 210 mu and 300 mu. Tie-in way by more than the scale of the above, or restricts the transfer of scale profit-oriented land more than 100 acres, shall be submitted to the anhui province of the record review.

For anhui province to limit the scale of land sales,carbon steel seamless eccentric reducer real estate industry expert li zhi of the daily economic news "reporter said," in addition to hefei in anhui restricts the size is not more than 300 mu of land selling, no more than 210 mu and 105 mu in other cities, may cause some large plots for auction after being split, will it affect the developers to build the idea of super market, has a great impact on the housing market."

A manager xu of hefei local developers to the "daily economic news" reporter said,SCH80 ERW Steel Pipe put a few hundred acres of big block is divided into several small pieces, for auction, respectively, will undoubtedly reduce the threshold of the auction and make more developers have the chance to participate in the competition.


Four ministries issued new energy vehicles subsidies

Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, cities under separate state planning departments (bureau), the department (bureau),200mm diameter mild steel pipe science and technology commission, the competent department of industry and information technology, national development and reform commission:

To accelerate the development of new energy vehicles industry, promote energy conservation and emissions reduction, promote the atmospheric pollution, reported to the approval of the state council agreed that from 2013 to 2015,Ring Type Joint blind flange continue to develop new energy automobile application work. Is presently as follows about the subsidy policy to inform:
A, relying on the city of popularization and application of new energy vehicles

(a) continue to rely on city especially in megacities popularization and application of new energy vehicles. Key in beijing-tianjin-hebei, Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta,carbon steel ERW A106 steel pipe such as fine particulate matter governance task heavier area, choose high enthusiasm of the super-large city or urban agglomeration.

(2) demonstration cities or regions shall meet the following conditions:

1.2013-2015, oversize cities and key areas of new energy automobile total amount not less than 10000,seamless steel tube manufacturers other cities or areas promotion amount not less than 5000 units.

2. The number of vehicles in nonlocal brand popularization and application shall not be less than 30%. Shall not be set or disguised barriers to limit purchase foreign brand vehicles.

3. Government agencies, public institutions in areas such as vehicle purchase new energy vehicles to tilt, new or updated bus, official business, logistics, sanitation vehicle new energy vehicles is not lower than 30%.

4. The local government for new energy automobile vehicle purchase, bus operation, infrastructure construction has been introduced specific policy measures.

5. Related city shall accept the annual appraisal evaluation, failed to achieve annual promotion objectives will be eliminated.

(3) the city can meet the above conditions, can prepare the new energy automobile application implementation plan, step by step before October 15 reported to the ministry of finance, ministry of science and technology, ministry of industry and information technology, national development and reform commission (hereinafter referred to as the four ministries and commissions). Four ministries will be considered for reporting scheme evaluation, optimize the demonstration city list.


Local government debt exceeding 20 trillion

Researcher at the institute of Chinese academy of social sciences financial Liu Yuhui weibo said at the meeting,API oil welded steel pipe ASME B36.10M hebei manufacturer the Chinese local government debt a conservative estimate total scale has reached 20 trillion yuan, the China banking regulatory commission recently a baseline survey of local government debt, according to preliminary statistics within the credit scale of about 9.7-9.8 trillion, from the shadow banking, collections and other channel business scale of about 13-14 trillion, the local government of BT construction scale is about 6-7 trillion.

This number is significantly higher than the national audit office revealed at this year "two meetings" of the level of 15-18 trillion. In recent two or three years, China's local debt scale is expanding rapidly, and the China's local government debt scale accurately,American carbon steel eccentric reducer there is no unified caliber, the central bank, the national audit office, the China banking regulatory commission are based on their lines of business survey is calculated.

At present, the local governments have a variety of debt financing channels, including traditional local government financing platform loans, in addition to a large number of shadow banking financing channels, such as local government bonds and the city of debt, cooperation with the trust issue trust products, and issued by insurance company infrastructure bond investment products and so on.

In the company chairman Feng Guanghua thinks, to the financing platform as the main body, to the land reserve as a mortgage,asme b16.28 short radius elbow 45 degree the bank credit as the main source of funds "financing model has been proved unsustainable, individual regions debt paying ability is weak, some did not include the debts of the budget management in a recessive state for a long time, lack of corresponding supervision creating risks, with massive debt maturing, individual local government fiscal and debt sustainability face a severe test.
However, given the new urbanization will be become the new engine for China's future economic growth and local government still has a strong financing needs. In Liu Yuhui point of view, the current local government debt on the brink of out of control, many local governments have a lot of interest for more than 8% of one to three years of short-term funds, into the most return period in more than 10 years of infrastructure construction, the funds use the length of the "mismatch" phenomenon.

Liu Yuhui that issue local government bonds,welded steel tube ASTM A53-b ERW carbon steel pipe is to solve the new funding sources of long-term mechanism of urbanization, but before the large scale of local government debt issued, a foundation is provided for a clear, to do a good job of rating. Li Yang, vice President of the Chinese academy of social sciences, said the local government to be given the right to issue bonds, premise is one of the rights to the restraint of social forces, must establish the corresponding constraint system.


Published monthly worst air quality in ten cities

"The ten countries' requirements on environmental information disclosure cold drawn carbon steel pipe.Published by the state per month 10 cities with the worst air quality and the best list of 10 cities.
Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) the administration of the mainland will be announced at the level and above the urban air quality ranking Ring Type Joint blind flange .Ground level and above cities in local primary media release air quality monitoring information in a timely manner.

The environmental protection departments at various levels and enterprises should take the initiative to open a new project environmental impact assessment, pollutant emission and pollution treatment facilities operation environment information, accept social supervision.Involving the interests of the construction project,5D induction bends 90 degree should be fully listening to public opinion. Establish the enterprise environmental information mandatory public system of heavy pollution industry.

Wang Jian said that the reason for air quality, the purpose is to supervise the local government, Long radius 90 deg A234 pushing elbow "the old came in last, the mayor of your own choice." He said, at present a lot of pressure in hebei province, but the power of air pollution now is very big also.

Public and environmental affairs, said ma jun, director of the center: at present the country published in 74 cities air pollution or inaccurate, such as PM2.5 monitoring stations in lower-tier cities, there is no. In the second - and third-tier cities monitoring PM2.5 can better promote governance atmosphere.

Ma jun said that air quality for city ranking is more comparable. Environmental protection every month in 74 cities ranked only horizontal comparison, this does not necessarily have a comparable, such as different geographical location, climate, basic conditions and personal behavior, will lead to air quality difference is bigger. But if, in the same area in hebei province, for example, the longitudinal comparison of different cities before more comparable, because external conditions, geographical location, such as the contrast can be more clearly, what cities do good or bad.


Investment Banks have higher expected China's economy

In the second half of last year, China's economic growth slowing trend. In the first quarter, SCH40 ASTM A106 GR.B carbon steel pipe GDP data more downward to 7.7% from 7.9% in the fourth quarter, second quarter to 7.5%. Investment, consumption and foreign trade data growth also is evident in the downward trend. As a result, the international on China's economy on bearish singing voice, worried about slowing economic growth, at the same time, more in China's economy is going to have a "hard landing" rhetoric, etc.

The most obvious is the major investment Banks have lower expectations of China's economy. Data in May after the release, seamless steel pipe astm a106 gr b Morgan Stanley will China's economic growth forecast for 2013 from 8.2% to 7.6%; Ubs and RBS will China's economic growth forecast to 7.5% in 2013; Barclays will China's economic growth forecast to 7.4% in 2013.
This situation did not last long, with the improvement of the internal and external environment, China's economic turnaround, American carbon steel eccentric reducer a series of policies carried out by the government is also greatly enhance the confidence in the market. Nearly in January, each big institutions and have high expectations of China's economy. Deutsche bank is the first action, the bank on August 22, the expectations of China in the second half of the economic growth rate from 7.6% to 7.7%.

Followed by credit suisse forecasts of a 7.4% increase to 7.4%. Barclays also said that the current quarter accelerated economic growth may from the previous quarter.
In davos BBS's opening speech, scaffolding structural steel tube Mr Li is not only on China's economy has made the "current economic fundamentals are good, in the development of the economic operation is stable", more is proposed of the mass transfer efficiency "in the second quarter" requirements.

"Compared with" in the first quarter growth miracle ", the Chinese economy "in the second quarter" target is no longer the speed, but made the mass transfer efficiency as the core." GuanQing friends said the prime minister's recent intensive are clearly expounds the path of China's economic future, it is more accurate than any other market speculation, and even more strengthened the faith from all walks of life to the Chinese economy.

According to li, the future of China's growth must be in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the premise, must be supported by resources conservation and ecological environmental protection, must be powered by scientific and technological innovation and technological progress, must be a job security and the growth of residents' income increase. That is to say, let the fruits of reform and development benefit the broad masses of the people.


Bonuses and other outstanding release reforms have already see results

Premier li keqiang 10th meeting in dalian to hydraulic equal tee pipe fitting attend the 2013 summer davos BBS entrepreneurs, we choose "keep composure, cool, comprehensive ShiCe, accurate power" approach to address economic downward pressure. Li also to people's livelihood and employment, financial reform, economic reform, Chinese enterprises 7D Butt Welded Bend Pipe fittings overseas m&a expounded his views.
Li keqiang, in response to downward pressure on China's economy, one option is to adjust macroeconomic policy, increase the deficit, loosening of monetary, which may have short-term effect, but not necessarily beneficial for the future.

"We chose another -- we keep SCH80 ERW Steel Pipe composure, cool, comprehensive ShiCe, accurate power." Li keqiang pointed out, especially highlight the biggest bonus release reform, stimulate the vitality of scaffolding structural steel tube market, adjust the economic structure, transformation of the mode of development and make them organically and steady growth. These already see effect.In August, according to the latest statistics, China's main economic indicators, such as PMI, PPI, industrial added value, power consumption, volume, etc., there were back to the good momentum.

Li said China's industrialization and urbanization is far from complete, there are also many institutional barriers, economic structure still exists the problem of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable, but is the potential "gap", China will reform through the release of dividends, activate the huge market and long-term development of endogenous power.

For the economic system reform, li said, the key is to deal with the relationship between government and market and society. Can do just let the market do market, society can do let society, the government should keep their tube, let the market play a proper role, inspire greater vitality, so as to form a sustainable economic development of endogenous power.


In August 2013, the large-scale industrial production operation

In August, the added value of state-owned and state holding enterprises rose 9.5%, collective enterprises 180 degree elbow pipe fitting asme b16.9 steel elbow rose 2.9%, joint-stock enterprise growth of 11.7%, 8.7% growth and foreign enterprises with investment from Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan.In three major categories, in August, the added value ASME B16.9 Butt Welded reducing tee of the mining industry grew by 5.8% year on year, manufacturing growth 10.9%, electricity, gas and water production and supply industry growth rate of 12.5%.

Divisions, in August, has 39 in 41 kinds hot rolled seamless steel pipe of industry value added of industry grew. 8.1% among them, the textile industry, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing growth 12.3%, non-metallic mineral products Hot Expanded welded spiral steel tube increased by 11.7%, 13.6% black metal smelting and rolling processing industry, general equipment manufacturing growth 8.0%, automobile manufacturing growth 13.9%, railway, shipbuilding, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing industry grows 2.2%, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing growth 12.8%, computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing growth 10.7%, electricity, heat production and supply industry growth rate of 12.2%.

Points region, in August, the added value of the eastern region rose 9.3% year-on-year, the central region increased by 11.4%, 12.9% growth in the western region.
Products look, in August, 464 kinds of products have 305 kinds of products in year-on-year growth. Among them, the capacity of 498.7 billion KWH, up 13.4%; Steel 91.94 million tons, up 15.6%; Cement 214.84 million tons, up 8.2%; Crude oil processing capacity of 39.74 million tons, up 5.5%; Ten kinds of non-ferrous metals, 3.37 million tons, up 5.7%; 1.26 million tons of ethylene, up by 7.7%; 1.796 million cars, up 14.8%; 1.023 million cars, an increase of 11.2%.

In August, the industrial enterprise product sales rate of 98.3%, decreased by 0.1% from a year earlier. Industrial enterprises realize the export value of 943.2 billion yuan, compared with the nominal growth rate of 3.5%.


The future policy involve fostering international transit business

In this wave of free trade in stocks, the port group, there have been seven harden price doubled, cicc analysts believe, however, if the future policy involve fostering international marine steel butt-welding fittings elbow transit business, Shanghai volume growth will be faster, but even northeast Asia transshipment hub port of busan international ZhongZhuanLiang half (8 million cases) were transferred to Shanghai, also for seamless steel pipe astm a106 gr b Hong Kong a 12% volume increase, and the transfer of international transit business involved in the software level, to be a long time. In terms of land value increment, the land used for terminal operation, port enterprises short-term difficult to turn for a lot. Analysts port Seamless tube used in steam pipe according to the current development of simple calculation within the free trade area land development or can contribute to 1.5 yuan per share net asset value.

Beijing foreign studies university vice-chancellor Lin Guijun said that the core of the free trade area is open to promote reform. Goal is to reform and opening up innovation, transformation and upgrading, is through market competition, especially on the international Used for water transportation low pressure steel pipes competition. Cancel, expand service sectors for foreign investment, he argues, is the key to the implementation of the free trade area can be affected by local industrial policy. The practice of free trade area is likely to impact the local enterprise, the free trade area preferential policies may be lower than expected. Trade costs not only to trade, but also hindered the competition. In trade facilitation in the core index score, China's poor grades, deterioration of non-tariff barriers in China, technical standards and customs procedures have lower scores, higher scores only on the cost of container, the launch of free trade policy is of historic significance.