
Steel production capacity to 200 million tons

"Solution" is put forward, in combination with implement the goal responsibility of atmospheric pollution prevention in hebei province and steel, cement, plate glass structure adjustment scheme,STPG370 seamless carbon steel pipe vigorously promote the "6643 project", in 2017 to reduce 60 million tons 60 million tons of steel, cement, 60 million tons of coal, and the weight of 30 million standard cases of glass.

"Solution", "hebei iron and steel industry structure adjustment scheme has won state approval, in accordance with the plan calls for approval by the state, hebei will use eight years time,carbon steel api 5l x65 psl1 pipe to control the steel production capacity of 200 million tons (to reduce 60 million tons in 2017, five years before control around 220 million tons).In terms of eliminate cement production capacity, to 2017 clinker production control within the 90 million tons, 220 million tons of cement production control in less than, and beijing-tianjin-hebei environmental bearing capacity, adapt to market demand, capacity utilization to a reasonable level.

Before the end of March 2014, the city divided into districts,carbon steel pipe elbow 6 inch made the county (city) as the unit, fully clean up the iron and steel, cement, flat glass industry has been built capacity.