
Steel mills controversy "excess capacity"

Solve the problem of excess production capacity, backward production capacity is the most attention to the administration, and determined to solve one of the topics. Listed in "the key to solve" directory of iron and steel enterprise, is to pay close attention to policy.

However, to be held in August 22, the 7th carbon steel spiral welded tube China steel on the original fuel market peak BBS, a number of steel mills executives don't think industry "of excess capacity. International economic and trade company of anshan steel group deputy general manager Li Daguang to the "daily economic news" reporter said, now the production of steel products are sold, social inventory is not much, that there are certain requirements. He prefers to define the current steel market for excess black carbon steel butt welded concentric reducer "weak".Since 2011 iron and steel industry profits, cisa said many times,, capacity utilization, reduce severe overcapacity is one of the problems and challenges facing the steel industry. According to the cisa data, by the end of 2012, China's crude steel production capacity of about 976 million tons, the actual output of 717 million tons, crude steel capacity utilization rate of 73.4%.

Recently, the planning institute of metallurgy industry for 10 types of steel capacity utilization analysis found that according to the reasonable calculation, capacity utilization rate of 80% in 2012, only Q235 seamless carbon steel pipe three varieties of galvanized sheet, rod and steel to achieve reasonable capacity utilization, other steel production capacity surplus. Cisa vice-chairman concurrently secretary general zhang changfu, according to relative to the current market demand, has serious excess.Evaluation indexes of excess capacity, however, was not in agreement between the government and enterprises. Hu Yanping zhonglian steel analyst believes that the existing overcapacity standard is too single. She believes that the Chinese market is more special, not one size fits all, need to increase the new measure to define whether overcapacity.

Li Daguang also said, now the production of steel products are sold, inventory is not much, that there are certain requirements. "Overcapacity is objective, but there is no serious excess."

At iron and steel co., LTD., vice general manager of LiuChuanWei also to the "daily economic news" reporter said, the size of excess steel production capacity can't say, more than from the actual utilization, situation is normal, also can't simply use steel benefits to illustrate whether overcapacity.

